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ONLINE ACCESS | PANTONE® VIEW COLOUR PLANNER | This membership grands you 12 months access to the Pantone ® View Colour planner trend. You will cover actual seasons on colour trend as well automatically access to the newest seasons posted over the 12 months of your membership. The ideal and practical colour forecast you can trust for everything from Fashion, to interiors, cosmetics, to home and all other industries working with colours. The Pantone® View Colour planner reports included in this membership are a proven tool, simple to use with proven results. This is what you get in each of the reports included in your membership. The key colours where we introduce each palette with four key colours, which form your merchandising base. Key + supplementary colours where we add two to four supplementary colours to the key colours to develop, transform and individualise the core. Harmony pages creating colour mixes and harmonies is one of the great strengths of the Pantone ®View Colour Planner. Product pages where we show you how product ranges can now be coloured up. Download of your prefer selection of pages and visual image used throughout the colour trend report by story chapter and end-use, plus our renowned film about the season concerned.


ONLINE-ZUGANG | die perfekte Kombination einer selektiven und zukunftsorientierten Analyse einerseits und der Essenz der Damen- & Herren-Catwalk-Trends aller führenden Designer-Messen für Damen- & Herrenbekleidung andererseits | Dieses Angebot kombiniert das Trendangebot der Next Look Women & Men mit dem produkt- & detailorientierten Angebot der Close Up-Serie. +++ Sie erhalten 12 Monate lang Zugang zu einer selektiven Analyse der Designerschauen aus New York, London, Mailand und Paris, zusammengestellt nach zukunftsorientierten Designkriterien sowie Zugang zu allen Close Up-Trendanalysen für Mäntel, Jacken, Kleider, Hosen, Blusen, Strickwaren, Schuhe, Taschen,... +++ Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einem komplexen Modeverständnis. +++ Sowohl Farben, Materialien, Oberflächen, Muster, Silhouetten und Styling als auch alle anderen Aspekte, die Mode ausmachen, werden tiefgehend analysiert. +++ Ein Angebot, das alle trendrelevanten Bedürfnisse abdeckt und die nötige Inspiration bringt, um Ihre nächste Damen- und Herrenbekleidungs- und/oder Accessoire-Kollektion zu entwerfen und zu kreieren. +++ Für jede Saison werden die marktgetriebenen Trends und innovative Themen, einschließlich Inspirationen, eingehende Farbanalysen, Farbkombinationen, Materialrichtung, Styling, Accessoires, Details beschrieben – hinzu kommen viele inspirierende und editierbare Illustrationen. +++ Ein perfektes Angebot für Damen- und Herrenmodeprofis, das eine selektive und zukunftsorientierte Analyse aller führenden Damen- und Herrenmodenschauen aus den internationalen Modemetropolen bietet. +++ Ein Muss für jeden Profi der Damen- & Herrenmodebranche! +++ Verpassen Sie heute nicht, was Sie morgen benötigen.


ONLINE ACCESS | The ‘new’ VIEW REPORTS known as the ‘Bible of the Textile Industry’ | are built round four sections that work independently but also interlink to bring you the latest developments in product and design thinking that can enhance and enrich the way you work. Thinking not only about ‘design direction’ but also ‘product solution’. +++ The Future of Making/ Future View An in-depth look into innovative and forward-thinking ways of manufacturing, re-thinking business models from a brand’s perspective, problem solving for production, and converting the new-consumer focus on re-worked, upcycled, re-worn and sustainable making into up-to-date, desirable product.+++Classic Modern: Fabric Headlines Spotlight on innovations in the textile industry closely linked to our proposed design forecasts and design concepts again underlining relevant developments in responsible products. Womenswear and Menswear Focus points and in-depth information to inspire and give direction to designers and manufacturers for the season ahead, while also setting out important sustainable routings. We source from both an industrial and small quantity base.

Inspirational concepts, the core colours and mixes, suggested silhouettes and styling, trims & accessories, womenswear fabrics and knits, men’s suiting’s, jacketing’s and shirting’s. +++ Casual & Athleisure : Focus points and in-depth information for the casual, athleisure, sports and denim businesses also highlighting sustainable developments important to the industry. Fabric Headlines News about innovations in the casual and athleisure sectors closely linked to our design concepts again underlining relevant developments in responsible products. Casual, Denim, Sports & Athleisure for Women and Men inspirational concepts behind our proposals. The reason why! The core colours and mixes for that concept, suggested silhouettes and styling, core fabrics and trims.+++ Epilogue We close the report with a taste of what’s to come. Our subject matter can range from future design propositions to what’s next in consumer lifestyle.

TEXTILE REPORT (4 issues p.a.)

ONLINE ACCESS | TEXTILE REPORT | Extensive trend information for the whole women’s textile and fashion market.+++a condensed survey on trends and markets brining trend moods exclusively created for the respective reports.+++ Posted in the run-up to the fabric and yarn fairs, with special focus on young women's wear, street fashion, designer collections, trade fair reports, colour and styling trends including fabrics and print designs.+++ Special reports on Knitwear, cocktail & eveningwear. Seasonal reports on colour trends, print trends, fabric trends and product trends. Highlights on key items, key shapes and key details. +++

The ideal offer not to miss out on any women’s trend and perfect update for early collections designers.

PRINTS & MORE 50 duplicate


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TEXTILE REPORT (4 issues p.a.) duplicate


» alle Neuerscheinungen der nächsten 12 Monate

» inklusive Zugriff auf das Archiv der letzten 24 Monate

» download von bis zu 5 kompletten PDF-Ausgaben Ihrer Wahl

» komplette Damenfarben, Styles, Stoffe, Drucke und Key Directions

» 18 Monate Vorausschau auf die Trends der Saison